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Contact Info
Address | Erie Scientific Co. 20 Post Road Portsmouth NH 03801 |
Country | USA |
State | New Hampshire |
Get in contact with Erie Scientific Co. |
Products or Machinery
Manufacturer of Microslides, small glass parts, large sheets 0.7 mm to 5.2 mm thick; low iron white glass Microscope Slides Superfrost, Superfrost Plus, Colorfrost, Superfrost PLUS Gold, Control Slides, Extended Frost, Personalized Superfrost, Round Corner, Gold Seal, Colormark Cover Glass LifterSlip®, Superslips, Hacker Hopper - Pre-Loaded Cover Glass Containers, Circles, Special Sizes, Gridded Diagnostic Slides Multi Well Slides, Hydrophobic Coated Slides, Custom Slide Designs, Bio Adhesive Coatings, ADCELL™ & CLEARCELL™ Printed Diagnostic Slides, Latex Agglutination Microarray Products Microarray Slides & Glass Plates, LifterSlip®, Silanated Slides Custom Glass Electrophoresis, Sequencing, Plate Glass, Water White Glass, Soda Lime Glass, Bora Float Glass, Float Glass, Specialty Glass for Electronics