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Contact Info
Address | AB Glasriket Dunderbergsgatan 2 382 80 Nybro |
Country | Sweden |
Get in contact with AB Glasriket |
Products or Machinery
At Nybro Glassworks the focus is largely on painted glass. Naturally all products are hand-painted. The latest collection has a beautiful retro design on bowls, vases and candle lanterns in various colours.
Nybro Glassworks is the only glassworks in the Kingdom of Crystal located in an urban environment. Proximity to the railway was a priority in its establishment.
Nybro offers utilitarian glass for both everyday and party use, in which form, colour and function are prominent characteristics. Räktrålaren (Shrimp Trawler) and Sillskutan (Herring Boat) are two Nybro classics designed by Paul Isling. Another series that has met with a great deal of success in recent years is Trazzel, designed by Jon Eliason, wellknown from the television programme Roomservice and other creations. In the shop you can purchase Nybro glass at factory prices, and you will also find other gift items here.