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Contact Info
Address | Volnogorskoye Steklo LLC Volnogorsk Glass Promyshlennaya str. 31 Volnogorsk, Dnepropetrovsk reg. |
Country | Ukraine |
Get in contact with Volnogorskoye Steklo LLC |
Products or Machinery
«VOLNOGORSKOYE STEKLO» is the only factory on the territory of Ukraine producing the glass-tare of three different types that is green, olive and colourless one.
«VOLNOGORSKOYE STEKLO» produce 1-2 new items per month for the market of Ukraine . One of the last product developments is a light-weight bottle of champagne. By the weight ( 650 gram ) it advantageously differs from the heavy-weight competitive analogues (more than 900 gram ) and nevertheless it withstands the inside pressure of 25 atmospheres (instead of the 17 atmospheres required by GOST). It is cheaper than the classic bottle because of the lower material consumption and besides it allows to save twice on transportation (to food enterprise and by retail).
and by retail).