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Contact Info
Address | Anchor Chemicals Industries 302 Tripathi Sadan 110 S.V. Road Jogeshwari (W) 400 102 Mumbai |
Country | India |
Get in contact with Anchor Chemicals Industries |
Products or Machinery
The Company manufacturers a few speciality chemicals of high purity catering to the needs of some of the leading companies of india as well as exporting to various countries of the world.
Products :- Chromium Acetate | Chromium Chloride | Chromium Fluoride | Chromium Nitrate | Chromium Formate | Tungstic Acid | Sodium Tungstate | Ammonium Paratungstate | Cobalt Nitrate | Calcium Tungstate | Cobalt Oxide | Cobalt Chloride | Cobalt Acetate | Sodium Molybdate | Epoxidised Soyabean Oil | Ammonium Molybdate