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Contact Info
Address | Saint-Gobain Sekurit CR spol. s r.o. Masarykova 1404 268 01 Hořovice |
Country | Czech Republic |
Get in contact with Saint-Gobain Sekurit |
Products or Machinery
Automotive Glazing, sidelights, backlights, windscreen, Modular Glazing, Extruzion, Encapsulation, Pre-assembly - Glass Roofs
Engineering: CAD Optical Simulation, Reflection test, Optical lab distortion test, Optical field distortion test
Ghost Image: theory, Ghost Image in simulation Acoustic Comfort Thermal Comfort, Thermal Comfort, CARCON, Towards the ideal glazing Tests on laminated sidelights, Door slamming tests, Dummy slamming tests, Pundulum against door, General anti-theft tests