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Contact Info
Address | Refractarios Zedmex SA Galeana 415 Ote Zona Industrial 66376 Sta Catarina NL |
Country | Mexico |
Get in contact with Refractarios Zedmex SA |
Products or Machinery
Manufacturer of refractory special shapes, blocks, bricks, and unshaped materials in High Alumina, Mullite, AZS (Alumina-Zircon-Silica), Fused Silica, Alumina-Spinel and Insulating materials.
Zedmex supplies to the Glass, Steel, Ceramic, Chemical and other industries worldwide.
For the GLASS CONTAINER & TABLEWARE INDUSTRY we manufacture superstructures for the cooling and conditioning sections of the forehearth, as well as all expendable shapes for the glass feeder section.
Superstructure parts [16", 26", 36", 48" and over width]
Skimmer/Mantle/Damper/Distributor Blocks
Burner Blocks
Peephole Blocks with embedded cast iron door
TV camera Blocks
Alumina, AZS and Insulating bricks
Spouts [for every feeder width]
Spouts parts [covers/burners]
Feeder Tubes [plain, vented]
Stirrers [left , right helix]
Rotor segments
Plungers [Plain, Standard, Ball, Tapered, Offset Point]
Orifice rings [Single, Double, Triple, Four Gobs]
Refractory spheres for pressed glass