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Contact Info
Address | STEKLOSFERA Gorkogo str., 56-a, office 306 Vladimir |
Country | Russian Federation |
Get in contact with STEKLOSFERA |
Products or Machinery
Today, the Steklosfera Group operates in several directions:
- sale of own products to Russian glass industry enterprises and to those of Russia’s near-abroad,
- manufacturing of ballast systems, deep submersible pumps, telemetry systems, etc. for the needs of the oil and gas industry,
- supply of process equipment and accessories for machines and mechanisms to enterprises of the Russian defense complex.
Among Steklosfera’s customers are Russian industrial giants and companies of federal importance, such as:
- Metrostroy,
- Russian Railways JSC,
- glass plants: Rasko OJSC, Voronezh Glass Plant, Svet OJSC, Fakel Plant, Krasnoye Ekho OJSC (Urshel, Vladimir Region), Lipetsk Glass Plant, Rusdzham plants, Ruzaevsky Glass Plant, Bunkovsky Experimental Plant, Gelios LLC, Chagodoshensky Glass Plant, Lunacharsky Plant (Tver Region),
- oil and gas industry enterprises: Novomet-Perm CJSC, Elekton CJSC.