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Contact Info
Address | ARLAVES S.r.l Articoli Lavorazione Vetro Soffiato Via Monte Santo 2 24047 Treviglio (Bg) |
Country | Italy |
Get in contact with ARLAVES S.r.l |
Products or Machinery
Tubing, vials and ampoules made from glass rods
AMPOULES (glass ampoules for Pharmaceutical, Diagnostic and Cosmetic Industries)
Capacity: from 1 ml to 50 ml;
Diameters: from 8 mm to 27 mm
Specifications: according to ISO and/or Customer’s specifications.
Open ampoules: ISO 9187-1: types C and B
Closed ampoules: ISO 9187-1: type D or “Marzocchi“ type E
Types of breaking: Color break - score break – OPC
The printing and the color rings are performed using ceramic paints without lead, in compliance with the 94/62/CE
Norms for heavy metal content in packaging materials.
The printing of text in two colors is performed for specific requirements
VIALS (Glass Vials for Pharmaceutical, Diagnostic and Cosmetic Products)
Types: Penicillin, Screw neck, Perfume samples
Capacity: from 2 ml to 30 ml
Diameters: from 10 mm to 30 mm
Specifications: ISO standard and/or Customer Specification.