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Contact Info
Address | Hebei Lingshou Shake Square (Zhenfang) Mineral Processing Factory Xizhuang Village, Yanchuan Town 050502 Lingshou County, Hebei Province |
Country | China (People´s Republic) |
Get in contact with Hebei Lingshou Shake Square (Zhenfang) Mineral Processing Factory |
Products or Machinery
1. Vermiculite : Shi Yuan of leech ore , it expand vermiculites , ( the golden yellow , silvery white ) vermiculite detailed powder , leech slabstone.
2. Mica : The muscovite , beautiful Mica , phlogopite , black stone , to pieces , mica powder.
3. The tourmaline : Electric Shi Yuan´s ore , tourmaline broken stone , tourmaline exceed thin poeder , tourmaline ceramsite.
4. Quartz : Ordinary quartz sand , rerined quartz sand , high pure quartz , smelt quartz , quartz powderses.
5. Others : The five colours sand , potassium feldspdr , boiognian stone , wheat and meal stone , cobblestone.