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Contact Info
Address | Taiwan Glass Ind Corp. (Taichung Factory) TC Taiwan Glass Group 377, Tzuchiang Rd., Taichung Harbour Ind. Zone 435 |
Country | Taiwan, R.O.C. |
Get in contact with Taiwan Glass Ind Corp. (Taichung Factory) TC |
Products or Machinery
We offer a wide range of high quality architectural processed glass products. In order to comply with the current global energy conservation and environmental protection trends, our Taichung plant has begun engaging in high-tech glass product R&D. The plant´s "Ultra-white Float Glass for Photovoltaic Batteries" pioneering project obtained funding from the Industrial Development Bureau, MOEA in 2007. In addition, the plant established an optoelectronics department in 2008; this department mass produces ultra-white glass for use in thin-film photovoltaic batteries. During October of the same year, the plant successfully performed trial production of 1.1 mm ultrathin glass for use in touch-control panels.
The factory is capable of producing ultra thin glass between 1.8mm down to 0.33mm, in standard sizes 1,120 x 1,320mm and 1,092 x 1,245mm with its 150tpd furnace.