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Contact Info
Address | TG Donghai Glass Co. Ltd Taiwan Glass Group 238, Gangtie Road Niushan, Donhai Lianyuangang City, Jiangsu |
Country | China (People´s Republic) |
Get in contact with TG Donghai Glass Co. Ltd |
Products or Machinery
Taiwan Glass began investing in the plant in November 2003, and production started on October 1, 2004. Since that time, DHG has been growing in importance as a major glass supplier in the Jiangsu area. After its production line began operation, the plant quickly became the finest float glass producer in northern Jiangsu. DHG´s main product consists of 3-20mm transparent float glass, which has a maximum sheet size of 2400 x 3660mm. The plant´s transparent float glass is used for architectural purposes, and is very popular among customers in northern Jiangsu.