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Contact Info
Address | Hindusthan National Glass & Industries Ltd. (Nasik Plant) ACE GLASS CONTAINERS LTD Nasik Glass Works, F1, MIDC Malegaon Dist. : Sinnar, Nasik 422113 |
Country | India |
Get in contact with Hindusthan National Glass & Industries Ltd. (Nasik Plant) |
Products or Machinery
Suppliers to industries like liquor, beer, beverages, soft drinks, processed foods, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics. On-line automatic inspection system to ensure consistent quality. State-of-the-art CAD / CAM facility to design articles in a variety of shapes. Subsidiary company ( GEIL ) is the largest manufacturer of Glass making machines in India. Provides turnkey solutions for setting up new glass plants. One of the largest exporters in the Indian Glass Industry. Exports to Australia, Bangladesh, China, Malaysia, Russia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Singapore and many more. Acknowledged market leader in India producing 6 million bottles a day ranging from 5 ml to 3200 ml. Caters to leading Companies like Coca Cola, Dabur, Horlicks, Lakme, Nestle, Pepsi and a host of brand names around the world.