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Contact Info
Address | Hornos Plamasso S.L. Proy-Constr. de Hornos Plamasso S.L P.I. La Pedrosa, Nave 10 08783 Masquefa, Barcelona |
Country | Spain |
Get in contact with Hornos Plamasso S.L. |
Products or Machinery
Our company designs and builds furnaces regenerative, recuperative, day tanks and crucibles. Our furnaces range from 50 kg to 200 tons / day.
- Systems use combustion gas and air, LPG / air and gas / oxygen.
- Feeder coloration. Gob feeder for feeding machines. Robot to feed semi-automatic machines. Semiautomatic and automatic machines (pressing, spinning, blowing) and annealing lehr, used.
- We specialize in repairs "hot" oven. Demolition and reconstruction.
- Glass kilns burning all kinds of combustibles: oxy-gas, air-gas, oxy-fuel, air-fuel.