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Contact Info
Address | DIMOS Maschinenbau GmbH Gewerbegebiet Petersberg Ost Billérer Straße 1 36100 Petersberg |
Country | Germany |
Get in contact with DIMOS Maschinenbau GmbH |
Products or Machinery
EFN-10000 - Electric transverse seat forklift
Electric transverse seat forklift for loading up to 10 tonne A-racks for glass transport. A special hydraulic lifting platform guarantees safe loading and transport of the A-racks with glass. Three phase AC drive technology and electronic steering allows excellent driving and steering characteristics.
EFY-8004-M/AC Glass transporter
Glass transporter with man-up cabin. The service area is hydraulically adjustable both vertically and horizontally in order to secure the glass packets. Payload up to 8 tonnes.