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Contact Info
Address | O-I Clarion Plant (factory closed 2012) 151 Grand Avenue Clarion, PA 16214-1708 |
Country | USA |
State | Pennsylvania |
Get in contact with O-I Clarion Plant (factory closed 2012) |
Products or Machinery
O-I offers a unique and diversified range of bottles in varying sizes, shapes and colors. By simulating typical bottle shapes and engravings, the design process can be substantially shortened. O-I covers the whole range of spirits: Vodka, Whisky, Rum, Gin, Tequila, Aperitifs and many more. Glass containers for beer, wine, sparkling wine and champagne, mineral water and liquors. From Bordeaux to Champagne, to specialties dedicated to your own area or brand, O-I offers an infinite range of possibilities for wine packaging through a large variety of shapes, colors, printing, and finish options.