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Contact Info
Address | Trakya Yenişehir Cam Sanayii A.Ş. 16900 Yenişehir-Bursa |
Country | Türkiye |
Get in contact with Trakya Yenişehir Cam Sanayii A.Ş. |
Products or Machinery
Trakya Cam Sanayii A.Ş., which was founded by Şişecam in 1978, is the leading company and the pioneer of the flat glass industry in Turkey.
Trakya Cam that employs the latest technologies in production operates in the fields of
- basic glass (flat glass, patterned glass, mirror, laminated glass, coated glass, glass for architectural applications),
- automotive glass and glass for other vehicles,
- energy glass,
- glass for home appliances
Via its subsidiary of Trakya Yenişehir Cam Sanayii A.Ş., continues its fast growth in Turkey through its investments of the 5th float line that started production in June 2007, a coated glass plant that started production in June 2007, the 6th float line that became operational in November 2007 and the laminated glass plant inaugurated in October 2008