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Contact Info
Address | Nipro Corp. Head Office 3-9-3 Honjo-nishi, Kita-ku Osaka 531-8510 |
Country | Japan |
Get in contact with Nipro Corp. Head Office |
Products or Machinery
Glass Tubes
Nipro Corporation has been representing NEG ( Nippon Electric Glass Co., Ltd.) made Glass Tubes (outer diameter:1mm ~100mm and others by re-draw process under 1mm and rod) which have a high reputation owing to reliable manufacturing technology accumulated over many years and to state-of-the-art manufacturing equip- ment and complete quality control.
Powdered Glass Molded Products
We manufacture and market high-quality and stable molded products from NEG powdered glass(frit) for air-tight terminals.
Size of Molded Glass Products:
Outer Diameter 0.6mm~19.0mm
Inner Diameter 0.25mm~15.0mm
Full Length 0.30mm~10.0mm
Electric Lamp
T20W Single(7440) [W21W]
Volts Amps
12V21W 13.5 1.85
T20W Double(7443) [W21/5W]
Volts Amps
12V 13.5 1.85
21/5W 13.5 0.44
USE:Stop lamp
T20WNA Single(7440NA) [WY21W]
Volts Amps
12V21W 13.5 1.85
T16W(T-5) [W16W]
Volts Amps
12V18W 12.8 1.40
T10W [W5W]
Volts Amps
12V5W 13.5 0.37