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Contact Info
Address | Techpack Solutions Dongwon Systems 264, Oehang 1-gil Gunsan-si Jeollabuk-do |
Country | South Korea |
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Products or Machinery
As an industry leader that supplies 40% of the glass bottles in Korea, we have been a long-standing partner of major Korean corporations as well as leading global corporations and are contributing to the growth of client companies by offering a wide variety of capacities and colors. We use superior technology and ensure high quality.
Every year we produce 260,000 tons of glass bottles, which is the largest production quantity in Korea. We obtained a high level of glass bottle technology. For example, through technical cooperation with Toyo Glass, a world-class bottle manufacturer, we became the first in Korea to reduce the weight of one-way bottles using NNPB(narrow neck press blow) technology, and developed new colors for our bottles, such as cobalt and dark emerald.
We are now using our advanced technologies to produce bottles of various colors, including flint and amber, and various sizes ranging from 50ml to 5L. We are the only company in Korea to have a broad supply system covering the liquor, food & beverage and pharmaceutical markets.