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Contact Info
Address | Fulltech Fiber Glass Corp. 28F, NO.216 Tunhwa South Road SEC.2 Taipei |
Country | Taiwan, R.O.C. |
Get in contact with Fulltech Fiber Glass Corp. |
Products or Machinery
FFG Glass Yarn is produced by twisting of strands formed from several hundred filaments in diameter of
5-11 microns. The yarns are used for many applications as follows:
- Electronic Grade Glass Fabric for PCB.
- Braided Electrical Sleeving Products.
- Paper and tape Reinforcement.
- Axle Material for Grinding Wheels.
- Materials for Electrical, Thermal Insulation, etc
2. Features:
- Outstanding Electrical Insulation Properties , Suitable for use with computer and Electronic Material.
- High Tensile Strength & Good Dimensional Stability.
- High Heat , Chemical and Flame Resistance.