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Contact Info
Address | OOO Ostrov Juice Factory ul. Oktjabirskaya 22 d. 443026, Ulyanovsk |
Country | Russian Federation |
Get in contact with OOO Ostrov Juice Factory |
Products or Machinery
We produce a full complex of medical container and quality packing:
- medical glass container from orange glass in capacity from 10 ml to 100 ml (to 60 million produced glass products in a month)
- plastic covers
- individual packing (cardboard packing and a label, release - over 500 tons of printed products a month)
- corrugated cardboard packing (release of corrugated cardboard to 1million m2 in a month)
Flexible production technologies bring the production into accord with any customer requirements, for any drawings or sketches. Flexibility of our manufacture is a key to reduce your expenses irrespective of seasonal fluctuations of volumes of purchases and the size of bought set.