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Contact Info
Address | Tecnoglass Avenida Circunvalar a 100 mts de la Vía 40, Barrio Las Flores Barranquilla |
Country | Colombia |
Get in contact with Tecnoglass |
Products or Machinery
Tecnoglass is a leader in the production of tempered, laminated and insulating glass, and offers multiple options for screen-printing, impact-resistant and curved glass, among other processing. Learn more about our latest production capabilities, such as TecnoAir, TecnoBEND, and a MSVD Coating Machine with PPG technology that can produce jumbo-sized sheets of Low-E glass.
- Heat Treated Glass
- Laminated Glass
- Insulated Glass
- Silk Screened Glass
- Curved Glass
Insulating Glass
- Spacers
- Heat Treatment
- Glass Options
- Coatings
- Spandrel
- Silkscreen
- Digital Print
- TecnoBEND
Laminated Glass
- Heat Treatment
- Glass Options
- Coatings
- Interlayers
- Holes and Notches
- Edgework
- Silkscreen
- Digital Print
- Spandrel
- TecnoBEND
Monolithic Glass
- Heat Treatment
- Holes and Notches
- Edgework
- Silkscreen
- Digital Print
- Spandrel
- TecnoBEND