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Contact Info
Address | BottleCycler 8 Bilga Avenue Bilgola NSW 2107 |
Country | Australia |
Get in contact with BottleCycler |
Products or Machinery
1. Reduce empty glass bottle volume by 80%
BottleCycler quietly reduces the disposable volume of your empty bottles by 80% The machine, inside your bar area, reduces the volume by crushing the glass into recyclable pieces, fast, quiet, safe and easy.
2. Safe, quiet, compact and simple to use
BottleCycler puts an end to glass related OH&S accidents and possible noise complaints. Eliminates direct contact with empty bottles. Stay behind the bar to serve guests instead of carrying heavy bar bins outside. No need to tip the bar bins into big bins, just wheel the 60L bin outside.
3. Less volume means less collection costs
One little 60L BottleCycler bin holds the rough equivalent of - 2 x regular bins or - 300 stubbies! No huge bins filled with air but a small bin on wheels filled with crushed glass. Smaller and tidier bin area and more efficient and quiet collection.