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Contact Info
Address | Gerresheimer Glass USA Chicago Heights Plant 1132 Arnold Street 60411 Chicago Heights |
Country | USA |
State | Illinois |
Get in contact with Gerresheimer Glass USA |
Products or Machinery
We offer our customers a widely diversified range of high-quality glass and plastic products. With an extensive product and materials portfolio, we enjoy a reputation as a complete supplier in this highly specialised market for pharma and life sciences.
Our product range comprises medicine vials, ampoules and special bottles as well as complex drug-delivery systems such as prefillable syringes, inhalers and other system solutions for safe dosage and application of medicines.
In parallel, we supply numerous product and system approaches in the field of diagnostics and medical technology, including for example finger-prick aids and lancets for diabetes monitoring and components for various analysis systems. There is also a wide spectrum of special products for use in scientific and analytical laboratories.