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Contact Info
Address | Coverings Etc. 7610 NE 4th Court 33138 Miami |
Country | USA |
State | Florida |
Get in contact with Coverings Etc. |
Products or Machinery
BIOGLASS is 100% recycled and 100% recyclable, Cradle to Cradle Silver certified and available in 6 natural colors.
Bio-Glass does not contain hazardous ingredients
Glass is made of almost 100% crystalline silica in the form of quartz containing 70-72% weight % silicon dioxide.
Bio-Glass consists of 100% recycled glass. Bio-Glass colors depend on recycled components (hollow glass, tableware, and/or factory shards). Closed surface, therefore easy cleaning with all traditional cleaning agents and solvents
Bio-Glass ceramics can be sawn and drilled with water-cooled diamond tools at the construction site