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Contact Info
Address | Anyuan Glass Co., Ltd. Pingxiang City Danjiang Street No. 500 |
Country | China (People´s Republic) |
Get in contact with Anyuan Glass Co., Ltd. |
Products or Machinery
Ultra-white glass, also known as low-iron glass. After ultra-white glass has a specific pattern of rolling forming equipment, solar energy product called super-white embossed glass, textured glass, also known as low iron, is currently used crystalline silicon solar cell system (90% proportion of total solar cell) battery panel (glass thickness 3.2mm), the United States and Europe designated solar glass products. It is in the solar cell spectral response in the wavelength range (320-1100nm) light transmission rate of 91% or more, for less than 1200 nm and 300nm infrared light have a higher reflectivity at the same time, solar glass, ultra white embossed line resistant to solar ultraviolet radiation transmittance is not decreased, increased battery capacity.
product specifications
The original glass plate width 2400 mm
Width 2140 mm maximum net
Glass thickness: 3 ~ 10 mm
Product variety and proportion: 3.2mm ultra-rolling white solar glass (100% steel processing)
Line cutting size:
Large (2400 ~ 3000) mm × 2140mm
In the film (1525 ~ 2400) mm × 2140mm
Minimum (800 ~ 2400) mm × (1070 ~ 2140) mm
product quality standards
Meet the national standard GB/T9963-1998 "glass" GB/T19841-1999 "glass curtain wall with glass and a half" European ECER43-1981 or the United States ANSIZ97.1-1984 standard rolled steel ultra-white glass products comply with the PV solar glass packaging quality requirements.