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Contact Info
Address | ANTCAM GLASS INC. Organize Sanayi Bolgesi 2.Etap 21. Cadde No.18 07190 Antalya |
Country | Türkiye |
Get in contact with ANTCAM GLASS INC. |
Products or Machinery
- Clear float glass, Extra Clear(white) glass
- Double glazing, Blinds between Dg.
- Solar-heat control glass, Solar control reflective glass
- Laminated glass
- Tempered glass
- Convex glass
- Glass staircase & railing
- Shower screen
- Glass door
- Balcony Glazing and winter garden glazing
- Frosted decorative glass, Satin glass
- Mirror, Antique mirror, Tinted mirror
- Industrial heat resistant glass, Glass processing, Serigraphic Enamal painted glass