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Contact Info
Address | Altomhus ApS Øverødvej 74 DK-2840 Holte |
Country | Denmark |
Get in contact with Altomhus ApS |
Products or Machinery
Windows brings the light into the housing and allows for looking out of the housing. The windows are also helping to break down and give the facade expression. Windows divided into vertical windows and skylights. The different types of windows give each their expression to a building. Additionally divided windows of different types depending on hinge and material. Window section is divided into types of windows and components windows and accessories in the form of sun protection.
Glass doors
Doors divided into three main categories: interior doors , entrance doors and exterior doors. Inner doors set between the house room by room. Entrance Doors made between communal stairway and home. Exterior doors set into the facade , and can be further subdivided in the main doors and patio doors. In addition, doors with more specific characteristics: fire doors , soundproof doors , cold storage doors , elevator doors , garage doors, skunklemme etc.. Dørafsnittet is divided into types of doors and the individual components in and around the doors.