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Contact Info
Address | H- Fönstret AB Gåseberg 453 91 Lysekil |
Country | Sweden |
Get in contact with H- Fönstret AB |
Products or Machinery
A true composite window
With its composite timber / aluminium systems, Swedish H-Windows Limited offer a revolutionary alternative to PVCu and aluminium windows, doors, screens and curtain walling, with true composite timber and aluminium systems.
The principle of the true composite system is to combine the use of timber for internal components with external aluminium for weather resistance. True composite windows consist of separate aluminium and timber frame components, which are bonded together both mechanically and chemically. All weather protection including drainage channels is provided by the aluminium section.
Swedish H-Windows Limited believe that it´s alternative composite systems offer exciting opportunities and benefits for designers and specifiers to incorporate features that were not possible until now, one of these benefits being the ratio between aesthetics and performance. This allows the building occupier to enjoy the warmth and beauty of timber internally, yet receive thermal and acoustic insulation properties that exceed those of the more traditional systems.