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Contact Info
Address | Mathias Aluminium Systems Pvt Ltd 23-A, Baikampady Industrial Area 575011 New Mangalore |
Country | India |
Get in contact with Mathias Aluminium Systems Pvt Ltd |
Products or Machinery
Doors and Windows
Mathias provides and installs a range of window and door products that are innovative, functional and stylish.Our windows and doors are designed and manufactured with modern designs and quality finish at the forefront.
Because the glass is firmly bonded to the frame, Mathias Windows and Doors are extremely rigid and strong. The look is elegant and streamlined, the latter resulting in improved weatherproofing.The drainage holes, sealant rubbers and screws are all concealed giving an uninterrupted finish on frames - an important consideration for a sleek, smooth style.A wide, shallow condensation channel allows efficient moisture removal from the glass, which makes these windows extremely easy to clean and maintain.