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Contact Info
Address | EN SC Fenster SRL Str. Tărpiului, Bistriţa, Bistriţa-Năsăud |
Country | Romania |
Get in contact with EN SC Fenster SRL |
Products or Machinery
Since our main concern is the quality of our products, we chose to invest in manufacturing technology for windows and doors so that you can enjoy the highest quality of our products. Our manufacturing process meets European standards and norms in the field, which is found in the CE quality certificate obtained by our company this year. One of pur primary concerns is the continuous improvement of the manufacturing process and working conditions, through the purchase of the latest modern equipment and continuous training of our staff. The equipment purchased by us includes:
- numerical control equipment cutting two ends;
- CNC welding equipment with four heads;
- CNC deburring equipment;
- performant drainage equipment;
- hardware table;
- sampling stand;
- Our production capacity rose to 80 units per 8 hour shift, and our final products meet all European requirements imposed on quality and bear the CE mark