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Contact Info
Address | SVS S.r.l. Via XX Settembre, 36 50053 Empoli |
Country | Italy |
Get in contact with SVS S.r.l. |
Products or Machinery
Insulating glass: produced with advanced and highly automated machinery to ensure a finished product that meets the highest quality and safety standards.
Tempered glass: manufactured with specific machinery for the production of latest-generation selective and temperable glass of the STOPRAY T. type. GHBS Ð Glaverbel Heat Balance System Ð forced convection production technology Ð Tempered safety glass toughened with the HEAT SOAK TEST Ð HST Ð to guarantee the glass against spontaneous breakage due to nickel sulphide.
Layered glass: specific forced convection technology, enhanced autoclave to produce tempered laminated glass, glass with high mechanical performance with PVB, Acoustic, AntiHurricane, SGP interlayering.