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Contact Info
Address | Almath Crucibles Ltd. Epsom Building, The Running Horse Burrough Green Nr Newmarket, Suffolk CB8 9NE |
Country | United Kingdom |
Get in contact with Almath Crucibles Ltd. |
Products or Machinery
The tables on the right show our standard range of alumina crucibles. (Lids are available on request). Other sizes and shapes can be custom made. Most products are also available in yttria stabilised zirconia or with special coatings. Please contact us for a quotation for specials.
- Cylindrical Crucibles
- Circular Tapered Wall Crucibles
- Classic Shaped Crucibles (Large top curving to smaller bowl)
- Round Shallow Crucibles
- Boats with Tail and Hole
- Boats without Tail and Hole
- Point Bottom Crucibles (crystal growing by the Bridgeman method)
- Rectangular Crucibles
- Zirconia Crucibles
- Pyrolitic Boron Nitride Crucibles
- Alumina Tubes
- Metal Crucibles
- Graphite Crucibles