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Contact Info
Address | Nipro Glass Americas / Plant 3 Converting - Manufacturing & Sales 1200 North 10th Street Millville NJ 08332 |
Country | USA |
State | New Jersey |
Get in contact with Nipro Glass Americas / Plant 3 |
Products or Machinery
Container Conversion (Vials)
Manufacturer of Pharmaceutical/Medical Packaging
World-Class Glass for World-Class Containers
In the Pharmaceutical Market our glass tubes are typically converted into glass containers for injectable drug products, including: vials, ampoules, pre-filled syringes and cartridges.
Properties include excellent mechanical strength and thermal properties with maximum workability in customer transformations processes.
Our level of quality is structured around standard Acceptable Quality Levels (AQLs) ensuring the highest level of quality.
All our Glass Tubing are manufactured without Arsenic and can be applied with Tegoglass and Emsorb coatings
This facility supplies equipment and machines for ampoule fabrication