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Contact Info
Address | Magna Donnelly Monterrey, S.A. De C.V. Día del Empresario, Sin Nombre de Colonia 40, 67114 Guadalupe, Nuevo León |
Country | Mexico |
Get in contact with Magna Donnelly Monterrey, S.A. De C.V. |
Products or Machinery
Magna Donnelly, the world’s premier supplier of automotive mirrors: Interior mirrors Exterior flat and bent mirrors Magna Donnelly, the world leader in other glass-related products: Bent and flat touch glass faceplates for the computer, controls and appliance industries State-of-the-art glass processing technology for various, high quality, cost-competitive glass products The development of high quality, cost competitive, high volume glass bending and coating technologies Magna Donnelly, a leader in glass coating technology: Magna Donnelly applies coatings to mirrors, transparent conductive glass surfaces (ITO), and on flat and bent glass.