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Contact Info
Address | Kaeser Kompressoren (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. #3500, Rd. Jindu, Xinzhuang Industrial Zone, Minhang District, Shanghai 201108 |
Country | China (People´s Republic) |
Get in contact with Kaeser Kompressoren (Shanghai) Co.,Ltd. |
Products or Machinery
KAESER Kompressoren offers products, services and complete systems for the generation, treatment and delivery of energy in the form of compressed air. The system solutions aim at optimal economy and efficiency.
The innovative products and services of outstanding quality provided by KAESER assist the compressed air user in strengthening competitive capability. Continuous dialogue with customers is an essential part of concept development and continuous improvement in the total economy, efficiency, durability and utilisation of compressed air equipment.
KAESER intends to consolidate its position among the world´s leading suppliers of compressed air products and engineering and to continue to expand international sales and service facilities in order to optimise customer satisfaction.