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Contact Info
Address | China Specialty Glass AG Maximiliansplatz 15 80333 München |
Country | Germany |
Products or Machinery
China Specialty Glass-Group was the pioneer in developing and producing security glass in China. Its major products sold under its well-known “Hing Wah” brand are categorized into two groups: Firstly, security glass which includes bulletproof glass, intruder resistant glass and bomb blast resistant glass. Secondly, construction glass which includes architecture laminated glass, architecture tempered glass, fire resistant glass, hollow glass and electric-controlled colour-changing glass.
The Group’s security glass is used where cash or valuable goods are traded such as banks, jewellery stores, securities brokerage houses, postal service and insurance companies (“Bank Security Glass Market”). The Group’s security glass is also used for armoured vehicles, which offer security and safety to their passengers such as cash-in-transit vehicles for banks, police vehicles, military personnel carriers and armoured limousines (“Automotive Security Glass Market”). In addition, the Group provides its construction glass products to the construction industry where they are used as windows, doors, curtain walls or internal decorations in commercial buildings and private houses (“Construction Glass Market”).
The Group sells its products since 1994 and its end customers are exclusively commercial enterprises: banks for the Bank Security Glass Market, refitting automobile manufacturers for Automotive Security Glass Market and construction service providers for the Construction Glass Market.
- Bank security glass
- Automotive security glass
- Construction glass