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Contact Info
Address | Crystal Bohemia, a.s. Jiráskova 223/19 29001 Poděbrady |
Country | Czech Republic |
Get in contact with Crystal Bohemia, a.s. |
Products or Machinery
Inexhaustible imagination, sense of material, functio- nality and excellent proces- sing, these are the main attributes, which have attended Bohemian glass from its very beginnings. The classic 24 % lead crystal is a fascinating material in its very essence. Thanks to its mechanical and physical properties it is durable, yet soft enough to enable decorators to adorn it with cut patterns, a technique that shows off its unique look in the best way.
A rainbow of products reflects the heritage of Bohemian glassmaking. In our assortment, you will find both traditional rich patterns and modern simple decorations.
- Vases & Bowls
- Drinkware
- Photo frames
- Candlesticks
- Decorated Glass
- Lead Crystal
- Manufacturer of Tableware
- Blown Glass