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Contact Info
Address | Sahand Float Company Akhola Road - 15 Km of Tabriz-Khosroshahr Road Tabriz |
Country | Iran, Islamic Republic |
Get in contact with Sahand Float Company |
Products or Machinery
Producing and implementing security glasses at dimension of 320×600 in the security furnace and bend glasses with diameters 100-1600 by bend and flat security furnace using automatic devices and machinery in horizontal method at thickness of 4-20 mm for industrial and building uses.
Producing printed glasses at customized thickness and dimensions for home appliances, fireplace, refrigerator, stove and etc. factories in different colors and designs Producing different types of decoration glasses Producing and implementing different types of double glazed and multiwall flat and bend glasses in dimensions of 200×300 -producing and supplying different types of fittings Major parts of raw material of the company are provided by two companies of Sahand Jam Tabriz and Azar Glass Industrial Co.