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Contact Info
Address | Novaglaze Gardner & Newton Queens Mill Road Lockwood, Huddersfield HD1 3PG |
Country | United Kingdom |
Get in contact with Novaglaze Gardner & Newton |
Products or Machinery
Novaglaze can undertake both large volume and outsize jobs which can be handled by the overhead crane and jumbo-sized oven (3.5m x 6.5m). The company recently commissioned a new state-of-the-art bending and toughening furnace which can produce glass 3.2m wide and 5.5m high. Such investment, along with CNC glass processing machines, water-jet cutting machine, additional straight line egders and glass washing machines help to ensure orders are completed to the highest standards with the shortest possible lead times. Novaglaze will continue to meet clients’ demands and with further growth and expansion strategies planned for the future, Novaglaze really does bend to suit your needs.