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Contact Info
Address | Glassfusion Ltd 20 Rookwood Way Haverhill Suffolk CB9 8PP |
Country | United Kingdom |
Get in contact with Glassfusion Ltd |
Products or Machinery
Manufacturer of Technological Glass, Scientific Glassware, Laboratory Glass
Scientific Glassware
Glassfusion has supplied a wide range of borosilicate and silicon scientific glassware to a variety of industries. Examples of our scientific work include:
- Complex laser tubes
- Filter funnels
- Buchner funnels
- Daschle bottles
- Gas distribution tubes
Sintered glassware manufactured in six porosities to suit all filtration requirements
Drilling, slitting, grinding, sandblasting, silvering, vacuum pumping and filling vessels with specialised gasses
Alongside molten glassblowing our well-equipped work shop and experienced technicians can cater to a wide range of applications