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Contact Info
Address | Vetreria di Borgonovo SpA Via Pianello 75 29011 Borgonovo Val Tidone (PC) |
Country | Italy |
Get in contact with Vetreria di Borgonovo SpA |
Products or Machinery
The production of Vetreria di Borgonovo is classified according to three broad categories: Barware, Tableware and home/industry jars. We can also produce special articles used for promotion campaigns and gifts. In addition, careful attention is paid to wrapping and packaging of the products, and our packaging is devised bearing in mind the double needs of reliability and of creativity.
With two very up-to-date kilns and nine production lines, Vetreria di Borgonovo produces 500 different glass-shapes, made using one type of glass, obtained from the fusion of siliceous sand with the addition of fluxes, bleaches and refiners.
The glass used is of extra-white sodic-calcic type (lead-free), and the products are moulded through phases of pressing, press-blowing and blowing.