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Contact Info
Address | VICRILA, S.A. Avenida Autonomia 12 48940 Leioa |
Country | Spain |
Get in contact with VICRILA, S.A. |
Products or Machinery
Manufacturers of Tableware
In recent years VICRILA has produced most of the ARC INTERNATIONAL group´s products for the Spanish and Portuguese markets. The company now has ambitious plans to internationalise, but without neglecting the Spanish market, where it is the biggest table glass manufacturer. Its markets are structured in various channels:
Horeca - Our target group here includes hotel chains, quality restaurants, restaurant chains, catering chains, independent restaurants, specialist locales and bars, served via specialist distributors.
Consumer Goods - The customers in this channel include all areas of distribution that seek to meet the demand for glassware for the home, such as department stores, superstores, supermarkets and specialist stores.
B2B - The target customers here are packers, processors and companies outside the glassware sector that use glassware to promote their own products and services. VICRILA manufactures a wide range of products categorized according to use and to customer types. By use they include glasses for fine wines, ordinary wines, beer, juice, liqueurs and whisky. Customer types and needs are determined by combinations of technical properties ranging from tempered glass to special treatments to increase resistance to knocks, heat, scratching and breakage.