This is the basic company information. The company provides additional detailed information, such as website, fax and telephone numbers, contact persons, history and company data.
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Contact Info
Address | CSG AUPOS GmbH ERP/PPS Branchensoftware Feldstiege 100 48161 Münster |
Country | Germany |
Get in contact with CSG AUPOS GmbH |
Products or Machinery
- sales management including history
- CRM (marketing)
- cutting optimization
- designer of glass-door-constructions including binders
- CAD module for shapes and bars
- processing designer (drills, edges, etc.)
- forwarding and rack - management
- route planning -financial management system
- purchase management
- stock management
- production planning
- industrial data capture
- staff work time logging
- controlling and project calculation
- DMS archive management system
- CTI / FAX / E-mail ..
- management for multiple inclusion of firms
- machine maintenance software
- data migration from thírd party systems