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Contact Info
Address | Mamta Engineering Corporation KNV Engineers Plot Number 109, Ram Swaroop Colony Sector 24, Mujessar 121005 Faridabad PoBox 121005 |
Country | India |
Get in contact with Mamta Engineering Corporation |
Products or Machinery
We, Mamta Engineering Corporation are an established name in the market beginning our operations in 1980. We are the leading manufacturers and exporters of Precision Components, CAM milling, Outlet pad, Inlet Pad, Pipe Connectors, CNC Turned & Machined Components, Automobile Components and Casting. A highly recognized company, we manufacture these components according to the requirement and demands of our customers. Our manufacturing units produces world-class automobile equipments and we have been granted prestigious ISO 9001 : 2000 and an SSI certification. We have established a strong presence in the market and are today committed to the twin values of product quality and efficiency.