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Tableware production site to be built in Russia with Czech support

The company has announced plans to expand the current production site (decoration) by a glass melting furnace with investment of approx. 21 million


    Asia building industry company announces plans in East Africa for Industrial Complex incorporating also a glass factory

    The company has lain cornerstone for Phase I of the project for cement production. Total Project value over .1.8 billion Euro. Construction is expected to last between 5-7


      Container Glass Factory in South America to expand by 2023

      The company announced to more than double the capacity at the plant building a new furnace with invest of approx. 60 million


        Central Asian container glass maker announces plans to expand by 3rd furnace

        The company has given information that they are investigating into expansion by another furnace with 100 tpd production capacity. Products are bottles for the alcoholic, food industry. The company also operates extensive decoration


          International flat glass processing company to build new plant in Western Europe

          The scheduled investment is over 20 million Euro and startup of the plant is given with End of


            International flat glass processing company to expand existing plant in Northern Europe

            The company has informed that investments in the existing production site are planned and further announcements will follow within


              North African tableware company to double furnace capacity in 2022

              The company plans a cold repair of the furnace currently operating at approx. 22 tpd and to invest in further glass presses and decorating


                Asian container glass manufacturer specifies furnace repairs in 2024 and 2026

                The company has confirmed that they scheduled repair and production increase of two of their


                  Eastern Europan container glass maker to reduce its carbon footprint

                  The company informs that plans are under way to replace the consumption of fossil fuels with green energy by one third, increase its energy efficiency by 10 percent, and reduce its CO2 footprint by one fifth by


                    German special glass maker Builds Second Melting Tank for Pharmaceutical Glass Tubing

                    The investment volume amounts to 40 million euros. The new production facility is scheduled to go into operation in mid-2022 and will then offer 100 new


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                      This segment covers glass industry projects that have been researched by us, have been made known to our team or have been released for publication at This signifies any kind of project in a glass factory regarding investments in a greenfield project, factory renovation, restructure, maintenance, repair or purchase of factory equipment and machinery. This module has established a firm position with and serves as an indirect sales channel and support for any supplier to glass making industry.

                      The projects cover all industry areas such as flat glass, hollow glass, technical glass as well as tableware industry. The project information is processed to matching the various industry segments and comprise technical data and time frames for projects, as far as available, contact details and other relevant details.

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