Glass Industry News

Roadmap for a climate-neutral glass industry

, Messe Düsseldorf / glasstec

From 25 to 26 November the new conference format glasstec UPDATE will shift the focus to Europe and the two mega trends climate neutrality and decarbonisation as a follow-up event for the “Thementage Glas”. For industry and society these two topics are an enormous challenge but they also bring opportunities for structural change and new ways of thinking.

Professor Ulrich Knaack of the Institute for Structural Design and Engineering at the Technical University of Darmstadt will chair the 2-day programme and stresses the relevance of these themes: “The glass industry as a ‘major’ energy consumer faces enormous challenges. How can manufacturing processes become CO²-neutral in future thereby saving our climate and resources? And what is the contribution glass can make to our societies and urbanisation in future? With the glasstec UPDATE Conference we bring experts from industry and science together to discuss answers to these questions. Let’s deal with it and tackle it now!”

The Conference will be a physical one but is also available as a stream via the website subject to a digital conference ticket. Tickets are now available at the glasstec Ticketshop: For the programme visit:

On two consecutive days the glasstec UPDATE Conference will address the transformation process in the glass industry in order to develop and shape the visions required for the future. The Conference is held in cooperation with the Federal Association of the Glazier Trade.

In terms of content, programme design will be supported by the longstanding partner of glasstec, the “Bundesverband Glasindustrie e.V.” (Federal Association of Glass), “Bundesverband Flachglas e.V.” (German Flat Glass Manufacturers’ Association) and outstanding industry representatives.

Day 1 is all about glass production. Future models for CO2 and climate-neutral production as well as technologies and roadmaps for achieving these goals will be presented and debated. Day 2 will see architects, scientists and glass manufacturers show the products and exemplary applications that can pave the way towards climate-neutral urban design.

Decarbonisation also is the highest priority at association level: “The theme of CO2 neutrality ranks on the very top of the agenda with both BV Glas and the energy-intensive glass industry. The ambitious climate targets of the EU and Germany only supposedly lie in the distant future – due to the long investment cycles, the course for a transformation of manufacturing processes must be charted now. glasstec provides an excellent platform for information on potential technologies for the future and for exchange on the energy transition in the glass industry,” says Dr. Johann Overath, Director General at BV Glas.

Stefan Kieckhöfel, General Manager at the Federal Association of the German Glazier Trade, also looks to the event with anticipation: “We look forward to continuing the Conference under a new title and with actual topics that will bring us all together, across the different trades and industries."

With its theme of C02 neutrality with glass, the glasstec UPDATE Conference builds a bridge to the themes trending at glasstec, held from 20 to 23 September in Düsseldorf 2022. Held in parallel with glasstec will be the ‘Expo for Decarbonised Industries > ENERGY STORAGE’ that links glasstec exhibitors and visitors with specialist technology vendors and service providers for emissions reduction and energy efficiency.

For more information on glasstec visit: and the upcoming ‘Expo for Decarbonised Industries > ENERGY STORAGE’ visit:

, © Messe Düsseldorf / glasstec

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