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Contact Info
Address | Akdag Moulds and Machine Spare Parts Gumussuyu Avenue, Emintas Industrial Site, No: 32/120, Zeytinburnu Istanbul |
Country | Türkiye |
Get in contact with Akdag Moulds and Machine Spare Parts |
Products or Machinery
Our Product Range;
1. Moulds and Machine Parts for Glass Industry;
- Moulds for Press, Press & Blow, Stemware Lines, Spinning Processes, Twin Table, Borosilicate Glass
- Machine Spare Parts inc. Mould Holders, Plungers, Plunger Coolers, Neck Rings, Burners, Gob Delivery Equipment, etc.
2. Moulds and Machine Parts for Defense Industry
3. Spare Parts for Transportation and Automotive Industry
Akdag is continuously working on Moulds and Spare Parts over 30+ years. 1.200 Sq. meters of area and 20+ CNC Machines.