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Contact Info
Address | BA Glass Poland BA Glass 29 Marii Konopnickiej Street 30-302 Kraków |
Country | Poland |
Get in contact with BA Glass Poland |
Products or Machinery
CP Glass supplies Customers with flint, green and amber glass containers, produced in two currently available methods; blow - blow (BB) and press - blow (PB) together with its developed version narrow neck press blow (NNPB). Numerous designs and processes available to customize glass containers meeting the most sophisticated Customer's needs.
The range of products includes glass containers and bottles with unconventional shapes and colours, uncommon cap and closure types, customized engraving and many other features designed to follow the contemporary market trends in product packaging. CP Glass S.A. has achieved its strong market position, in relatively short period of time, by offering high quality glass containers produced on the state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies, supporting by extraordinary skills of the employees. CP Glass ensure quick and reliable supplies of container glass.