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Contact Info
Address | BORMIOLI ROCCO S.p.A. Località Isola del Pero, 1 17041 Altare (SV) |
Country | Italy |
Get in contact with BORMIOLI ROCCO S.p.A. |
Products or Machinery
The Bormioli Rocco Group operates in over 100 countries, with around 3,000 employees, and is the only Italian multinational reality, divided into 5 divisions:
- the Homes Division, positions the Bormioli Rocco trademark as a major player in large consumption household glass, not only in the Retail and Catering channels, but also in the business-to-business sector;
- the Pharmacy Division applies the most sophisticated technology to the pharmaceutical container, guaranteeing safety, precision and resistance;
- the Perfumes and Cosmetics Division offers highly creative content flacons, able to increase the value of the contents;
- the Food Division provides the guarantee of the glass container to the food and drink industry;
- the Plastics Division offers innovative packaging solutions in the Pharmaceutical, Diet and Food and Cosmetics sectors, integrating synergic solutions of the glass products of the other Divisions with capsules and stoppers.