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Contact Info
Address | Cimec Oy Vehmaistenkatu 5 33730 Tampere |
Country | Finland |
Get in contact with Cimec Oy |
Products or Machinery
NTT Glass Lifter
- pneumatically powered telescopic glass lifter equipped with two-speed lifting and tilting
- endless rotation of the gripper
- endless rotation around suspension
- extremely suitable for lifting jobs in low room that cannot be performed by traditional lifters
NV Glass Lifter
- pneumatically powered glass lifter equipped with two-speed lifting
- endless rotation around suspension
- endless rotation of the gripper
ErgoLevel Glass Lifter
NTe Glass Lifter
- pneumatically powered glass lifter equipped with two-speed lifting and tilting
Equipped with ErgoLevel Control arm ==> permanent height of the control panel and handles
Extremely suitable for continuous work.